Staying Ahead of the Technological Curve
For Swedish real estate company Landgren, technological innovation is one of their keys to success. Landgren made a name for itself by staying ahead of the technological curve and prioritizing innovation. Headquartered in Malmo, Sweden, Landgren works with roughly 15,000 customers a year.
Buying or selling a house is a difficult and stressful process in any country, but Landgren wants to make the process as painless as possible. Partnering with Microsoft helps them do that, even without an in-house IT department.
Landgren initially struggled to protect its sensitive company data, especially as the business expanded. After adopting a comprehensive security solution from Microsoft 365 Business, Landgren could comply with strict European data privacy standards.
This enhanced level of security also ensured that the company remained safe from data loss and cyberattacks. Like all real estate companies, Landgren stored a lot of sensitive personal information on its customers. Leveraging Microsoft security tools protected the data, while parterning with such a respected brand made Landgren customers feel comfortable.
Microsoft 365 Business Story
With security standards met, company leaders were able to focus on improving mobility and facilitating collaboration among employees. Microsoft 365 Business facilitates their work, and helps Landgren operate in a predominantly digital environment.
Mobility is important to Landgren, because their brokers are often scattered out on the road. Landgren employees work irregular schedules, and they need to be able to communicate and collaborate anywhere and anytime. With Microsoft 365 Business, Landgren employees can work on any platform in any location.
As mentioned earlier, Microsoft also helps Landgren maintain compliance with GDPR, the European data privacy law. Closer to home, the State of California recently implemented the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). The law introduces new penalties to companies that fail to properly secure customer data. If you need help understanding CCPA and gaining compliance, call CNS at (916) 366-6566.
Meanwhile, check out this video that tells the Microsoft 365 Business story of Landgren of Sweden.